080812 Peru Earthquake Research Network (DKN)[]
DKN=Diaspora Knowledge Network. PERN=Peru Earthquake Research Network. This document is draft only - it has been placed online as the editable conference base-text and to serve as a source document for a collaboratively edited version in Spanish. The reformatting following transfer from a Word document is incomplete and the title[1] page - an image scan of the Word document - cannot be edited online.
Title page[]
First Anniversary Conference (on-line) 15 August 2008 – Please see footnote (FAC) for Conference Schedule.[2]
With its roots in the response to the Peruvian earthquake of 2007, the network has been developing a long-term collaboration project for research into reconstruction, rehabilitation and regeneration. The main objective has been to create a system in which joint or collaborative research projects are easier to set up and drive forward. The proposed system includes (1) a database, a jointly editable journal (already online – see below), a facility for research-community networking and (2) proposed regular conferences and (3) local outreach to promote awareness within the EZ (Earthquake Zone) “decision-maker community”. This document also sets out recommendations for relatively low-finance tasks to be undertaken by members of the network, in order to support the aims above.
Tasks during online period 1 (Conference 1)[]
- Ex-PEAC members - to endorse document prior to funding applications
- APPG-Peru - clarify with Foreign Office re role of "diasporas" and embassies
- SAS-ISA (University of London) - endorsement and support for journal
- LASA - endorsement and support for journal/ collaborative platform
- SLAS - endorsement and support for journal/ collaborative platform
- HLBC/CH - consult regarding community book and article stocks
- Peru Embassy - contact with state organisations in EZ and BNP
Before you start[]
(Skip if this is not your first site-visit) If you prefer to get an understanding of something by “learning through doing” and/or “click-able serendipity” and not by wading through pages of text the following questions can offer a guide. Add to the questions online - click the edit and/or the discussion tab above. Just as important - help to improve the answers online.
- How can we jointly (or collaboratively) edit a document?
- How can we insert video or sound clips?
- How can we use mathematical notation within the OCE page?
- How can I find a research partner online (peer teamwork)?
- How can I offer to be a research assistant / mentor?
- How can we set up a social science research project?
- How can we conduct scientific experiments “jointly” – with at best only one ‘real’ meeting per annum?
History: PEAC/ PERN[]
The Peru Earthquake Aid Committee (PEAC) was set up in London following the earthquake of August 15, 2007, the epicentre of which was located off the Chincha Islands, 100 miles south of Lima, Peru. The Committee was drawn, in the main, from a broad cross-section of the Peruvian diaspora (Peruvians abroad) in the UK. In addition to fund-raising during the immediate emergency period the Committee and its successor network* (PER4N) has been developing a longer term collaboration project for research into the three R's of the post-emergency period: reconstruction, rehabilitation and regeneration.
“How can a diaspora return something beyond remittances (money sent back home) -- e.g. knowledge, know-how, and experience-sharing -- to an area of root migration?”
“How can collaborative research / knowledge-sharing projects be initiated and supported – between Earthquake Zone (EZ) and the diaspora / globally – given the momentum and ex-post good-will produced by the disaster and the (coincidental) advent of Web 2.0 technology (collaborative editing / authorship tracking / community networks, etc)?”
The PEAC programme for the reconstruction period - "the Bridgebuilder" programme - was announced at the meeting in the UK Parliament (All-party Parliamentary Committee for Peru) October 16, 2007. The initial draft of the document below is based on that programme and modified (is being modified) as an open collaboratively edited document. PEAC became a looser network PERN [Peru Earthquake (Reconstruction-phase) Network] in December, 2007 when the formal committee closed.
[Discussion tab: Research in the EZ “could shift into another gear” as part of the “soft-regeneration” (e.g. new libraries and research software) which should be running alongside the “hard” EZ reconstruction programmes. Research methodologies could profit from the technological shifts now occurring in new knowledge-sharing and research-community networking technologies. Discussion of Web 2.0 technologies: e.g this page on the minkapedia website]
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Overall aims of the project[]
The overall aims of the project are to (a) promote the creation of research projects; (b) hold yearly conferences; and (c) promote awareness within the EZ decision-maker community of earthquake related issues. (See detail below.)
Collaborative research[]
The project aims to promote the creation of research projects which uses web-based tools (see OJPS - Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies; Web 2.0 technologies below) to facilitate collaboration at the national and international level with local counterparts. These 'tools' include
(a) a collaborative research platform and database (see section with same title below),
(b) a 'cradle to grave' research progression facility (also see below) and
(c) a 'synergy centre' (also see below)
Examples. These projects would, for example, be in geophysics, material sciences, architecture & urban planning, regeneration methods, engineering, social sciences applied to the EZ, relevant humanities subjects, heritage restoration, etc.
Yearly conferences[]
The project aims to hold yearly conferences which would help bring people together, and especially help focus efforts in the earthquake zone (EZ). The first formative meeting (Conference 1) would take place (on line and/or with local meetings) beginning symbolically on August 15, 2008 - the first anniversary of the 2007 earthquake. The online-conference kicks off with a consideration of this report and the collaborative production of two OCE research compendiums (see Annexes 1 and 2) Conference 1 and the research period August 2008-2009 will be preparative for a conference (Conference 2) which would take place in Peru.
Promoting awareness in the EZ (and further afield)[]
The project aims to promote awareness within the EZ decision-maker community of earthquake related issues (see endnotes below). Decision makers: households; academics (i.e. UNICA), municipalidades, diputados, gobierno regional, businesses (construction, farming), teachers etc. Earthquake related issues - refers to a general perspective: geophysics, engineering (building practices and materials), logistics, emergency planning, education of population, regeneration schemes etc.
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· Conferencias del primer aniversario (en línea + reuniones locales): 15 de agosto de 2008 hasta el comienzo del trimestre academico europeo / hasta conferencia de LASA / First anniversary conference (online + local meetings)
· Programa de investigación: 15 de agosto 2008 al 15 de agosto de 2009 / Initial research programme: 15 August 2008 to 15 August 20
· Conferencia del segundo aniversario: 15 de agosto de 2009 /second anniversary conference: August 15, 2009
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Collaborative research platform and database: Opentext Journal for Peruvian Studies[]
On October 15 2007 PEAC launched the OJPS - Opentext Journal for Latin American (Peruvian) Studies - as the main vehicle (online platform and database) for the knowledge-sharing project EZ-Europe. You can read, edit and discuss this document in the interactive and multimedia pages of the journal. If you are reading this in print you can go to the online main page of the journal at and this page at http://peruearthquake.wikispaces.com//. Compare the two. The Journal on the "academia.wikia" allows completely open editing - anyone with access to internet may contribute. The pages in "wikispaces" is restricted to the network (all who share the objectives of PERN above can join).
The database: The categorisation or tagging procedure converts the journal into (also) an online database of articles.
The Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies (Opentext / OCE-open collaborative editing / wikia system) is dedicated to research related to Peru and to its diaspora (Peruvians abroad). Opentext or OCE (open collaborative editing) refers to the system provided by, for example, wikimedia - the software behind this page, whereby contributions from anywhere in the internet world can be added directly to the journal. However unlike "Wikipedia" only articles which have passed peer review are considered "published". This does not imply that other articles are less "worthy" or useful. They can be more creative, cutting edge and less orthodox. However the usual and precautionary caveat lector should be applied. Minkapedia is a related collection and database category. Minkapedia means (from the word roots minka or mink'a: Quechua - working together, pedia: Greek - education) collaborative learning / education (rather than a type of encyclopedia).
Click here for an index of articles in the overall category **Journal of Peruvian Studies**. This is to be found on page. Note: If working in the academia.wikia site and you create a new page / new article be sure to add Category:Journal of Peruvian Studies (in double square brackets) in order to add an entry into the Journal's index for your article. You may also like to assign your work to a sub-category, e.g. as a guide for readers. See section 'cradle to grave' research progression facility below.
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'Cradle to grave' research progression[]
(This section applies to the social sciences and humanities - principally. See below for comments relevant to science research).
In order to facilitate research and thesis writing the following categories and/or stages may be useful. For example, social science research into the effect of the earthquake on individual households could collect the testimonies (say recorded by mobile phone and archived in a video storage site similar to YouTube) in category:Peru-P. The initial analysis of the data in a working paper would be placed in category:Peru-W. Categorising also (if the researcher were a student) in category:Peru-S would 'protect' the work and attract a critique at the appropriate level. If the work develops to the stage where it is suitable for peer review then a "Category:Peru-Review" tag can be attached. Finally the research work can be categorised as 'published' - Category:Peru-Published.
For further information please see the Journal -. The key information is as follows.
The Journal has several sub-categories of documents, which can be / should be in OCE and multimedia format. Please put the "Category:Peru-X" in double square brackets.
- records of primary research. Category:Peru-P
- magazine and non-specialised. Category:Peru-N
- working papers. Category:Peru-W
- retrospectives. Category:Peru-R
- biography and testimonio. Category:Peru-B
- guides for tutors. Category:Peru-G
- minkapedia. Category:Peru-M
- courses and collections. Category:Peru-C
- students section. Category:Peru-S
- knowledge networks. Category:Peru-K
This system of categorisation may be applied for other countries and/or Latin America (LA) generally. For example: Category:Ecuador-W, Category:LA-B. The categories are not mutually exclusive.
The following categories are assigned only after the document has entered and/or completed the peer or book review process:
- submitted for review. Category:Peru-Review
- published articles. Category:Peru-Published
- book resumes and reviews. Category:Peru-Books
If you are new to OCE (open collaborative editing) first attempts may be tried out in "scratchpad" or "sandbox" in the Education Network section. The Journal of Peruvian Studies also accepts review articles. These can be formal peer review articles or literature reviews of existing published articles or books. The Journal of Peruvian Studies encourages all authors and reviewers to register a user name and associate their work with their real name.
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Synergy centre[]
In addition to (a) the collaborative research platform and database (see section above) and (b) a 'cradle to grave' research progression facility (also above) it is forseen that what could be called a 'synergy centre' would be useful and necessary. For example the initial thoughts regarding how (undergraduate and M.Phil dissertions particularly) could be given a guiding hand "at a distance" and a procedure for "chivvying along" suggest a coordinator in the EZ (who would be chivvyer and matchmaker). The network would have to develop / modify existing software into "research partnership software " – encouraging research initiation and management. Shortly after the formative meeting at the House of Commons PERN contacted the Director of the Unesco-DKN (Diaspora Knowledge Network) with a view to working collaboratively alongside the DKN project.
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UNESCO-DKN (Diaspora Knowledge Network)[]
UNESCO’s programme on International Migration has, as one of its goals, to strengthen the capacity, sustainability and effectiveness of Diaspora networks as a means of promoting “brain gain” through the use of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (www.unesco.org/shs/migration/diaspora). ~ "Migrants who are successfully integrated into the working world of a receiving country often have a strong commitment to work for the well-being of their country of origin. The potential for “brain gain” (as opposed to the more familiar “brain drain” problem) lies in the capacity of migrants to mobilize the knowledge and skills available to them in their host countries for country of origin development. The Diaspora Knowledge Network project aims at better understanding how this mobilisation can be enacted through the use of information and communication technologies".
Read more: Chapter 4 : Diasporas, Development and ICTs
W.A. Turner, C. Henry, M. Gueye,
DCP - Architectures and Models for Interaction,
LIMSI-CNRS, Bat 508, Université de Paris Sud, 91 403 Orsay Cedex.
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Towards a Peruvian Open University[]
This section outlines the history of proposals for a Peruvian Open University in Europe including that of the Universidad Internacional Andina (UIA - 1995) and describes the current potential of the project as a platform for delivering learning materials / courses from the EZ area (e.g. from the University of Ica) and from Peruvianists elsewhere to students in Europe (e.g. Peruvians in London and Paris). An example of a course currently proposed (in Paris) is “Paracas”. The proposal includes production by a network including institutions in the EZ and possibly coordinated from Ica (See Paracas below).
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Other sub-headings to be developed[]
- 1. The permanent leadership of the project
- 2. The EZ decision-maker community
- 3. Finance
- 4. Initial research / publication programme: Ica scientific joint reseach project, Lessons of the Arequipa earthquake, Paracas and a history of Franco-Peruvian cooperation, Britain and the Chincha area: the guano (huanu) boom.
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Where to go next[]
This document is open (for development) by the whole networked conference: potential research communities, EZ decision maker community, etc. It represents both the agenda and the results or proceedings of the First Anniversary Conference (Peru Earthquake 2007) which went on line 15 August 2008. There is a user-friendly version for the general public
Your comments welcome. The web domains / addresses that we have been using / experimenting with are as follows:
(1) Journal of Latin American Studies / Peruvian Studies / Minkapedia (academia.wikia) ~ for the open community (anyone with internet can access)
(2) Journal of Peruvian Studies (peruearthquake.wikia) . . Initial site September 2007
http://peruearthquake.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page ~ reopened for this discussion: for the open community (anyone with internet can access) - specific to the Peru Earthquake initiative
(3) http://peruearthquake.wikispaces.com - easier for the layman to use.
(4)http://peruearthquake.wikispaces.com/earthquake_anniversary ~ protected editing for the network
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Another possibility is the Latinoamericanistas (sites.google) - we could perhaps ask google to sponsor . . . http://sites.google.com/site/latinoamericanistas/
Perhaps, in the long run, a custom-built variant running on an independent server would be preferable . . . but that needs time and funding. But we could attach a blog-type facility and some cgi-interactive pages for the project management.
[Go direct to the Title Page of this document]
Coordination and leadership[]
The first recommendation is to set up a cost-effective coordinating centre in the Earthquake Zone (Ica area). As UNICA, the Universidad de Ica is the principal university in the EZ and fairly central to (at least) the lowland part of the zone, it had been suggested that that would be a good location for the office base of the coordinator. An alternative suggestion has been to place the office in one of the towns most affected by the earthquake, e.g. Chincha or Pisco – in coordination with the University of Ica. The network is currently waiting a response from the University. The full-time coordinator in Peru would work with honorary coordinators in the UK and France. It is also recommended that a trust be set up to underpin the long-term leadership and finance of the collaborative research.
Participation of both societies[]
The support of researchers, academics, scientists, Peruvianists is vital for the success of the programme. In the Anglophone world the main professional / learned societies / networks are LASA, the Latin American Studies Association, which has a Peruvian section and SLAS, the UK Society for Latin American Studies. The formal endorsement and participation of both societies is being sought (from September 2007) in the nomination of an advisory editor to the Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies and in the research programmes.
Collaboration with other key institutions and associations relevant to the EZ. (The network should be inclusive of these)
Key collaborative research projects[]
- The projects, it is suggested, should be “two-way” in the sense of flows of knowledge. (For example Europe-Peru and Peru-Europe).This should be reflected in the choice of initial collaborative research projects. Additionally the collaborative research projects should seek a balance in their composition between the sciences, the social sciences and the humanities/arts (i.e. they need not be restricted to “earthquake sciences” but include supporting social sciences and the arts.)
- A key intial joint scientific research project should be sufficiently highly specialised and directly relevant / useful to decision makers and educators in the zone. This document with a covering letter should be sent to potential collaborators.
- It is suggested that the initial projects should have a potential for being educational / informative in a general sense. For example, they could provide a popular knowledge of the underlying geological forces in Peru and the surrounding Pacific Rim. A way to proceed in this field is suggested in Annexe ( )
[Insert for Annexe ( ). In “Journeys into the ring of fire” – in a series produced for the BBC - Dr. Iain Stewart deals with the Pacific Rim, showing how the rocks shaped the region's history and culture. In the case of Peru Dr Stewart additionally addressed a meeting of the Anglo Peruvian Society . . . . looked at how the Incas were able to “build a huge and successful empire in some of the most perilous terrain on the planet” . . . The potential is for a repurposing the materials in the BBC DVD together with local (Ica) collaboration and this should be explored with Dr Stewart and the BBC. See BBC website: Ring of Fire.]
Research into collaboration Peru-France. (Case study the Petit Palais and Paracas/Izcue exhibitions). The Paracas exhibition materials as educative for the Peruvian diaspora in Europe. Database of learning materials for use in European schools and colleges.
- ↑ The title page has no official logo and should emphasize that this is the conference document.
- ↑ FAC First Anniversary Conference (on-line) 15 August – October 2008 on the themes “Consideration of 2007/8 Report (this document)”; “Confirmation of support by key organisations”; “Development of Collaborative Research Methods - Peru Earthquake Zone and Europe / US”; “Practical online workshop on collaborative editing of the Stage 1 working document (below)”; “Research offices in the EZ and in Europe – financial strategy”; “Initiation of CRP1 (Collaborative research project 1)”; “Initiation of CRP2 (Collaborative research project 2)”. PER48 / PER4N..