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This article deals with collaborative research for the period: post 2007-earthquake (Chinch, Ica, Huancavelica)

Full title (use when moving this article to other sections / websites) Opentext Journal of Latin American Studies - System for Collaborative Research and Diasporic Education (DKN/Diasporic Knowledge Networks)

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Subject: Opentext Journal of Latin American Studies - System for Collaborative Research / Diasporic Education (DKN/Diasporic Knowledge Networks)[]


This document deals with the English (and French) versions or editions of the Opentext Journal of Latin American Studies OJLAS, the Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies OJPS, the Opentext Journal of Bolivian Studies OJBS and the associated System for Collaborative Research and Diasporic Education. This is an opportunity for you or your organisation to help to improve the scheme and endorse the proposals. You are not being asked to financially support the journals - see "Proposals" below. However in the case of the English version of the OJLAS/OJPS it is suggested that the Centres of Latin American Studies (UK, Sweden, . . .) SLAS, LASA (Peru section), diaspora representatives, inter alia, together with the Peruvian CECR (Centre for the Encouragement of Collaborative Research) and network . . . would convene a meeting of the new body (see below).


The OJLAS / OJPS was introduced by the Peru Earthquake Aid Committee (PEAC) as a medium for international earthquake-related research and its inauguration was announced at a joint meeting of the Peru Earthquake Aid Committee and the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Peru at a meeting in Westminster (the UK Parliament) on 16th October, 2007. The Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies is seen as part of a family of opentext Latin American journals, i.e. part of OJLAS and a key element of (mutually supportive) systems for (a) collaborative research* and (b) diasporic education. It is now open for contributions from all fields (not just earthquake-related research).

  • between Latin America (Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia . . . ) and the rest of the internet world.


The Journal has been hosted on the website with some trials on the google and wikispaces sites. The proposal here is that

Convening a new body (editorial advisory group / trust)[]

(a) Existing organisations representative of Latin Americanists*, the diasporas and other interested groups should convene a new body (editorial advisory group / trust) - which would take over some aspects of the "systems editing" from [or develop the Journal(s) and associated system for collaborative research in partnership with them and/or other providers such as Google, Wikispaces or others in the field].

  • to include science and technology

Centre for the facilitation of collaborative research[]

(b) A centre for the 'encouragement / facilitation of collaborative research' should be established in Peru (in the case of Peruvian Studies). Initially, it is suggested that it should be in one (or both) of the two previous eartquake zones. For example the Chincha-Ica-Huacavelica (2007 earthquake) zone. A proposal is currently with an institution in the region.

A parallel server[]

(c) A parallel / mirror, secure primary server -- for example that of the BNP (National Library of Peru) - should also be utilised (for data security, inter-generational and inter-technological legacy, etc.)

Language editions or versions[]

In the UK the Bulletin for Latin American Research under the auspices of the Society for Latin American Studies was added to the Journal for Latin American Studies and others existing in 1979/1981 as the central scholarly Latinamericanist journals of the UK. It is argued that it is now appropriate for an opentext platform (journal) should be added as a parallel additional medium. It is further argued that the "Web 2.0 technology" of the opentext journal would enable it to play a significant role in systems for (1) collaborative research and for (2) distributed learning in the diasporas (Peruvian . . . Ecuadorean, Bolivian in this case). (See the UNESCO DKN webpage for the inter-connection between the two programmes).

As regards the English language version or edition of the OJLAS (Peru, Bolivia, etc) there are of course a number of countries / many individuals whose "working / international research language" is not their first (parental / national) language and who may choose to publish in English, initially, rather than Spanish / Quechua / Aymara etc.

[So far there have been resources to deal only with UK, Ireland, US and Sweden (with respect to an English version), France, (French version) and Bolivia / Peru (Spanish and regional languages). Opentext documents relevant to these are open to all and publicised via MinkaNews - but many still may not be aware of them].

This is an opportunity for you / your organisation to help to improve the proposals and endorse them. You are not being asked to financially support the journal(s). A funding application will be an initial task for the new body /network (editorial advisory group / trust).

The interim administration and network[]

It is suggested that

  • The initial administration and development centre(s) (CECR - see below) be based in (one of) the two previous major earthquake zones: Chincha-Ica and Arequipa in close liaison with earthquake-specialist centres elsewhere. Pro-tem funding on a rolling short-term basis is offered to an existing institution in the area(s) pending specific research funding.
  • The network would second - on an honorary (non-remunerated) basis - editor-administrator(s) in Europe / North America to the lead institutions (especially if no in-house staff-resources were available).
  • The Centre for the encouragement of collaborative research (CECR) would operate on a discipline and multi-disciplinary basis. Researchers (internet-wide) would be welcome to join discipline and multi-disciplinary fields. There could be categories for collaborative research from post-doctoral through various grades to undergraduate project. Collaborative research could be peer-to-peer, specialist/non-specialist and other variants.
  • One way forward would be for the existing Centres** and scholarly societies to take a leadership role together with the new "collaborative research facilitators" in Peru and Bolivia, diaspora representatives and other interested groups. It would seem to be in the interests of the Centres to be involved with the new technologies (Web 2.0) and their potential for facilitating collaborative research and the editors of the existing scholarly journals to be closely associated with the development of the new "opentext" journals.
  • Software. One of the existing software providers will assist as it would seem to be in their interests to develop applications in our fields (developing international open, generic, and scholarly research platforms). A generic platform with facilities for the sciences additionally (softwares and data would become open source / public domain in certain instances) in the fields of Latin American Studies / applications in Latin America could be seen as a "prize" for a software developer.
  • Editorial. The editing an opentext journal, of course, is best left to the researchers and writers. However some oversight of the
    • auto-categorisation,
    • protection level and
    • watching

processes will most probably be necessary.

  • In the case of Bolivia (where there is no "earthquake-related" centre associated with these proposals) these documents be sent to a key group of researchers (Bolivianists).
  • Administrator or Sysop (systems operator). This function currently has to be negotiated with
  • In the case of the United Kingdom, the development of a/the Diaspora Knowledge Network would involve also

Consultation lists for this document[]

Email addresses should not be published on this page (anti-spamming precaution). Members are already on one of these lists if they have received this article as an email. If you would like to join a list please add a brief comment, your name and email in script form to the discussion page or write direct to the coordinating editor: paulgoulder at yahoo(dot)com(rewrite in form

Peru Earthquake Research[]

This list includes the members of the former Peru Earthquake Aid Committee plus further voluntary helpers of the Peru Earthquake Research Network (UK) Members are already on this list if they have received this article as an email.

Group 1 (email) convenors[]

This list contains names of possible convenors / those interested in the proposals put forward in these documents.

Earthquake Zone research group[]

This list contains names of those in the Peruvian earthquake zones with an interest in earthquake research.

Diaspora1 group[]

Members of this list are mainly drawn from associations of "Peruvians in Europe"

Bolivia list[]

Members of this list have an interest in the development of a public domain opentext journal of Bolivian studies.

Peru list[]

Supporters (mainly outside the Earthquake Zone) in Peru of PERN

French list[]

Members mainly have an potential interest in a French-language version of an opentext journal of Latin American studies and associated research programmes.

Scandinavian list[]

Members mainly have an potential interest in a (Swedish / English language*) version of an opentext journal of Latin American studies and associated research programmes.

Ireland and UK[]

A wider interest group drawn from those in Ireland and the UK.

Software group[]

Members of this list have some background in Communication and Information Technology and advise on the software specifications for PERN.

Group 2 & others[]

Join this list if the others do not appear relevant. Or suggest a new list.


  • The principal concepts and proposals for the Peru Earthquake Collaborative Research Network are set out in

  • The conference paper given at the international symposium of Peruvianists abroad (Santiago, Chile 2007) referring to diaspora education_networks: as webpages, or (easier to read) as a downloaded Word *.doc file:

Personal and institutional endorsements (please add endorsements below)[]

I would like to add a personal endorsement: As a previous secretary of SLAS, the Society for Latin American Studies, at the time that the Bulletin for Latin American Research BLAR was being established I would like to support the proposal that OJLAS is now adopted as the opentext "sister" for the existing scholarly journals and that we press ahead with the proposed system for open collaborative research and diaspora education. The proposals for open collaborative editing / research for the Earthquake Zones of Peru, for a generic collaborative research platform and for diaspora education are now feasible, given the advent of Web 2.0 technologies and the good-will generated as a response to the 2007 earthquake. - Paul Goulder (Peru Earthquake Aid Committee 2007/ Peru Earthquake Research Network 2008)

Annexe - text of letter 16 October 08[]

Joint Research Network with Peru Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies

Summary of letter This letter/report expresses acknowledgement for the support given to the (UK) Peru Earthquake Research project since the meeting hosted by APPG Peru and the Peru Earthquake Aid Committee (PEAC) met in the House of Commons on 16th October 2007. Since then details of a System for Joint or Collaborative Research with Peru have been worked out and a Database and Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies (OJPS) established. The letter and the cited documents (below) highlight some of the obstacles to making further progress and calls for a meeting of those with an interest in and/or interested in a system for collaborative* research for Peru – initially focused on earthquake-related research.

The object of the meeting would be to set up an “UK+ section” of a Peru collaborative research group with the aims of -- together with counterparts overseas – (1) implementing a system** for collaborative research with Peru, (2) editorial “opentext-oversight” for the Journal (OJPS English language version), as principal new “vehicle” for research and (3) setting up (the UK+ part of) a support/consultative network for a proposed joint-research “facilitating” centre in Peru (2007 earthquake zone: the Chincha-Ica-Huacavelica area).

  • in association with the UNESCO-DKN programme, specialists in the Peruvian diaspora, counterparts in Europe, North America and elsewhere and responding to the needs of the Peruvian CR centre.

End of summary. Please read below, and in cited documents for further detail. N.B. Opentext = open collaborative editing. Copyright is “ intellectual commons” unless otherwise indicated as restricted.

Joint Research Network with Peru Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies

CR=collaborative research, CHL=Canning House Library, RR.EE=Peruvuan Foreign Office Briefly - this document focuses on longer-term methods by which we can continue to collaborate with those in the Peruvian earthquake zone and calls for a meeting which would put into play the three-point action plan outlined below - see objectives of meeting.

It is now one year since a meeting hosted by APPG Peru and the Peru Earthquake Aid Committee (PEAC) met in the House of Commons on 16th October 2007 to take stock of the UK effort in supporting the Peru Earthquake (Chincha-Ica 15/8/07) Emergency.

In that meeting encouragement was expressed for a new initiative to get UK (and European) backing for a longer-term collaborative research system (it was called the “Bridgebuilder”in the meeting), which could deal with, initially, earthquake-related research for the reconstruction period - in the context of the UNESCO DKN “brain-gain” programme. At the meeting the founding of the Opentext Journal of Latin American /Peruvian Studies (OJPS) was announced. The Journal was seen as one of the main vehicles for the research.

Since then, a more precise formulation for the system has been developed. This is set out in two documents in the Journal: (1) Earthquake related research – see doc. 080812PERN (2) Other Peru-related research – Sciences, humanities and social sciences – see doc 081010OJLAS SCR DKN

Both the Journal and the associated research system need now to be put on a professional footing and it is an opportunity for UK bodies*, together with counterparts in Peru and elsewhere, to take a lead in this.

By December 2007 PEAC had achieved its immediate fund-raising goals for the “emergency” period and the formal committee dissolved leaving the “reconstruction, rehabilitation and regeneration” period to be dealt with by the successor network: the Peru Earthquake Research Network, PERN. Much has been achieved since the December meeting – which took place in the Peruvian Embassy, London - and I am grateful to the Chair and members of PEAC/PERN who have been a support and an inspiration for the PERN project (see Document 1). PERN also forms a good basis for a Peru/UK diaspora network. I am grateful also to those - Rocio Manrique, David Wahl and Susana Melo and many others who have helped the project along at critical moments. The members of PEAC were representative of a broad cross-section of Peruvians in the UK – particularly in the area of cultural representation.

Problems and potential The project has been criticised on two counts: that it does not address the immediate needs of earthquake victims and, secondly, on the question as to why “more progress” has not been achieved in the space of more than 12 months?

The first is discussed on the “talk” pages of the 080812_PERN document . The second has been due to many factors, many of which are outside the influence of those in the United Kingdom. However although there are institutional “blocks and brakes” there is in the present infrastructure (see “cc” list) a formidable potential for the support of a “generic system for joint research”:

(The concept or model is that of networking relevant elements of existing institutions “the Latin American epistemic” network: the institutes of Latin American studies, Canning House, SLAS, diaspora associations, cultural attachés, the Consejos de Consulta, the Escuela Virtual (RR.EE) . . . . . )

1. “UK academia” Although the established academic communities (“UK academia”) have/has been slow to reach out to / integrate the diasporas (compared, say, to the University of California) there has been significant “apertura” e.g. the composition of the panel and audience “Peru History day” at the School of American Studies - ex ILAS - see Race, Culture and Social Hierarchy in Peruvian History in OJLAS) 2. Fundamentals of UK university and research funding. The Higher Education Funding Council HEFC and official research funding councils should / would need to introduce incentives for (a) public domain (intellectual commons) publishing and (b) collaborative research and preparation of teaching materials, for which, for example, the “new” universities are ideally placed in terms of both staff and student composition. (The UK government missed a good opportunity of linking diaspora expertise with development in Peru (and other sources of root migration) in 1990/92 when “designing” the structure of the “post-1992” universities.) 3. The diaspora. Cultural and diaspora associations are a potentially valuable part of the CR network. Leaders of such associations formed a major part of PEAC07/PERN08 and have brought these proposals forward. The Consejo de Consulta along with the (RR.EE) “Escuela Virtual” are already up and functioning and are actual / potential key elements in a “diasporic research and education network”. The main challenges for diasporic individuals / communities (deracination, deskilling, internal descrimination) could be eased by the “flip-side” programmes (Example: Doc.3). See also documents 4,5 and 6 4. Canning House. Canning House Library and the CH education outreach programme and other elements of programmes at 2 Belgrave Square make it a unique institution – and uniquely well placed to participate. (The Maison d’Amerique Latine in Paris has however, and perhaps predictably, an excellent restaurant!) With the right funding, CHL could be the “jewel in the crown” with branch collections in libraries and a rumoured new cultural centre in “Latin American” areas (Severn Sisters, Elephant and Castle and in other UK cities). The high standard of talks and conferences at CH could “fuel” an additional outreach programme. See documents 4,5 and 6. 5. British Council. The British Council appears to have been “leaving” Peru at, ironically, the very moment that technologies (web 2.0) permitted cost-effective replacement programmes. E.g. those on scholarship could be involved as “Bridgebuilders” for a period prior to and following their (post-graduate) studies. Those in the LSE Peru Student Society and in other universities could participate to their advantage. 6. Foreign Office Policy. The Foreign Office should see the LA diaspora as assets in their commercial, diplomatic and cultural dialogue with Peru yet in their LA (Latin America) policy document there is scant mention of the role and value of diasporas / those with a LA background. See document 9. 7. UNESCO. The UNESCO-DKN (brain gain versus brain drain) programme has itself been slow to get off the ground but we should continue to support its ideals and cooperate with its programmes, once these become operational. Document 7. 8. The Opentext collaborative editing system. We should continue to support “intellectual commons” publishing by using the “wikia” system – suitably modified for our requirements. See document 8 and 11.

(Note: this list is open for editing in Document 2)

I am writing to ask if the APPG Peru -- together with the collaboration of the relevant sections of the Peru/ UK embassies in London and Lima -- would convene/ host a follow-on meeting. The participation of Canning House; the Institute for the Study of the Americas; SLAS - the Society for Latin American Studies; the HEFC; the Consejo de Consulta, Peruvian(ist) associations, and others on the related lists* is also considered vital. The object of the meeting would be to set up a “UK section” of a Peru collaborative research group with the aims of -- together with counterparts overseas – (1) implementing a system** for collaborative research with Peru, (2) editorial “opentext-oversight” for the Journal (OJPS English language version), as principal new “vehicle” for research and (3) setting up (the UK part of) a support/consultative network for a proposed joint-research “facilitating” centre in Peru (2007 earthquake zone: the Chincha-Ica-Huacavelica area).

Please refer to the documents, for which links are given below. Those in the OJPS Opentext Journal of Peruvian Studies are open for online discussion and editing.

With best regards,

Paul Goulder (PEAC2007/PERN2008)

Document 1: Peru Earthquake Research (Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Regeneration) Network - System for Collaborative Research. 08081_PERN.

Document 2: Opentext Journal of Latin American Studies - System for Collaborative Research / Diasporic Education (DKN/Diasporic Knowledge Networks) 081010OJLAS_SCR_DKN (See Annexe for a opentext version of this letter).

Document 3: Caral. For an example of an opentext, multimedia document prepared for (an education outreach part of) DKN .

Document 4: Education outreach for Anglo/British/Euro Peruvian associations

Document 5: Report on the Bolivian diaspora in the UK

Document 6: Report on the Ecuadorian diaspora in the UK (There is as yet no report on the Peruvian diaspora).

Document 7: The UNESCO-Diaspora Knowledge Network

Document 8: Journal of Peruvian Studies

Document 9: Foreign Office Policy for Latin America: Latin America to 2020 - A UK Public Strategy Paper, March 2007 (PDF, 1 MB)

Document 10: CAFOD reports on Peru emergency relief

Document 11: Minkapedia.

Document 12: Bolivian and Peruvian diasporic education networks: A multi-heritage approach and the role of Latin Americanists. Susana and Paul Goulder (Andean Education Programme) Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Peruanistas en el Extranjero, 25 al 27 de abril del 2007. Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho. Santiago de Chile. Panel 23: La migración peruana en diversos contextos. (Email editor for password)

Please add documents from your organisations here. Please give an online (internet) address – usually beginning with http://www…… and a brief description of the document’s contents.

  • Lists are given in Doc (2) 081010OJLAS SCR DKN
    • System. That is, the proposal is for an overall or generic system for joint or collaborative research, which in turn would encourage specific research projects on particular themes. The collaborative research system would, at the same time, be supported by specialists from within the Peruvian community in the UK and elsewhere.


  1. Diaspora(Greek diasporā, dispersion, from diaspeirein, to spread about : dia-, apart; see dia- + speirein, to sow, scatter; see sper- in Indo-European roots.) Originally the dispersion of Jews outside of Israel from the sixth century B.C., when they were exiled to Babylonia, until the present time.A contemporary definition: a dispersion of a people from their original homeland. The community formed by such a people. It is even used to refer more widely: a dispersion of an originally homogeneous entity, such as a language or culture: "the diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages" (Randolph Quirk). Source ~ Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. (accessed: October 11, 2008).

Further links[]

UK funding councils[]

Scaleable maps of Peru[]

{End of document}