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Steam Navigation on Lake Titicaca[]

The development of steam navigation on Lake Titicaca[]

Several reasons / favourable preconditions led to an "iron gunboat being hauled up to Lake Titicaca" and assembled on a new slipway at Puno (1863-1870).

  • The need for a putative(?) defense against Bolivia / extension of Chilean influence towards Lake Titicaca.
  • The reputation for steam (maritime) engineering established by the early adoption of steam by the PSNC and reinforced by the success of (Cornish) steam pumps in colonial mines (from 1800) and the Callao-Lima railway (1850).
  • The support for and efficient handling of the project by the Peruvian Navy.
  • Available finance from the boom in the export of Guano fertiliser.
  • President Ramon Castilla's energetic enthusiasm for nation building a la Lincoln (Peru the brave, free the slave, let the train .. take the strain - omit).
  • The less-exalted desire of Lima to exert control over populations in the Titicaca basin.
  • Vigorous marketing of British steam technology by Anthony Gibbs (in turn guano contractor, merchant house and nascent merchant banker).

The Yavari[]

Yavari berth

M/N Yavari at berth Puno

Yavari funnel

Named for the Peruvian river flowing into the Amazon

Prior reference:,