Celebration for the up-coming CENTENARY OF THE BIRTH OF JOSE MARIA ARGUEDAS (1911-1969) at The Bolivar Hall on 30th September 2010, at 7.00pm. – PROGRAMME
- Musical prelude: Cameron McBride and fellow musicians. Cameron has written and arranged the music for The Pongo’s Dream (see below).
- Introduction by Paul Goulder
- The life of José María Arguedas. Talk by Professor William Rowe.
- Poetry performance by Alfredo Cordal in homage to José María Arguedas.
- Poetry and Quechua songs by Sofía Buchuck, Peruvian singer with the guitarist Alex Alfaro.
- Puppetry performance of “The Pongo’s dream” by José María Arguedas and adapted and performed by José Navarro well known puppeteer. Music by composer Cameron McBride.
- You are invited to view the sculptures by Warmi on display.
- Followed by Peruvian mote and wine reception.
Music and poems are available on CD.
Cameron McBride is a musician, composer for film and theatre and producer. His music was especially arranged for this performance of The Pongo’s Dream written by José María Arguedas. He is a member of Latin American music groups in London.
William Rowe is Anniversary Professor of Poetics in the Department of Spanish and the Department of English and Humanities. He is also Director of the Contemporary Poetics Research Centre. He has published six books and over eighty articles on Latin American literature and culture.
Alfredo Cordal is a well establish émigré poet, born in Chile who has made a significant contribution to the literary scene in London. Tonight he will be celebrating the poetry and other output of Arguedas.
Sofia Buchuck was born in Cusco, Peru. She is a singer, poet, musicologist and also a researcher into oral history. Her Andean music is a mixture of the traditional and the contemporary. She is the producer of “Killa Raymi”.
Alex Alfaro studied at the Music School of Cuzco. He is a composer, musician and guitarist. He is also a sound technologist. He has worked with Apu, the Peruvian music group based in Newcastle.
José Navarro was born in Andahuaylas, Peru. He is a puppeteer and musician and has an MA from the Central School of Speech and Drama. He is also a performer in the tradition of the Andean scissor dancers and has produced and acted in “Rasu Ñiti” by Arguedas.
Cameron McBride is a musician, composer for film and theatre and producer. His music was especially arranged for this performance of The Pongo’s Dream written by José María Arguedas. He is a member of Latin American music groups in London.
Susie Goulder is a sculptor in clay and textiles. She is a graduate in Latin American literature from King’s College, University of London and a coordinator of Instituto Vida. She is a member of the Nauri project in Lima and teaches Spanish and English literature.
Our thanks also to the members of Cameron McBride’s music group and to all who have made this event possible. Arguedas Centenary Group (UK)
Nominations for the award of an Arguedas Centenary study grant should be made to the ''Arguedas Centenary Group (UK) chiguata25-1(at)yahoo(dot)com {replace (at) with an "aroba" sign and (dot) with "."}