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This article is an extension of the: checklist topic of the A_Method_for_Simulating_the_Process_of_Logical_Human_Thought article.

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imho 22:56, 28 June 2009 (UTC)



70 days after filing Notice of Appeal of a final order [Fla. R. App. P. 9.110 (f)][]

OR 15 days of the filing of the Notice of Appeal of a non-final order after final order or authorized motion [Fla. R. App.P. 9.130(3)][]

FORMAT: Fla. R. App. P. 9.210[]

[] 8½ x 11 inch paper (opaque, white, unglossed)[]

[] Black ink[]

[] Double spaced[]

[] Exceptions:[]

[] Footnotes and quotations may be single spaced but must be same size font[]

[] Headings and subheadings may be single spaced but must at least as large as text font.[]

[] One (1) inch margins[]

[] 50 page limit (excluding table of contents and citations of authority), without leave[]

[] FONT: MUST be Times New Roman 14-point or Courier New 12-point. Fla. R. App. P. Fla. R.App. P. 9.210 (a)(2)[]

CONTENT: Fla. R. App. P. 9.210 (b)[]

[] Cover Sheet: containing the following:[]

o Name of court[]
o Style of cause (i.e., caption)[]
o Case Number[]
o Lower court[]
o Party filing the brief (“Guardian ad Litem Program, X Judicial Circuit)[]
o Type of brief[]
o Name and address of attorney(s) filing the brief[]

[] Table of Contents: referencing the issues presented, with page references[]

[] Citation of Authorities: listing cases alphabetically, followed by statutes in numerical order (and by jurisdiction), then other authorities, with page references[]

[] Statement of the Case and Facts: must include and references to the appropriate volume and pages of the record and transcript made:[]

o Nature of the case[]
o The course of the proceedings[]
o Disposition in lower tribunal[]

[] Summary of Argument: (absolutely no more than five (5) pages; prefer less than two (2pages)=[]

[] Argument: including:[]

o Standard of Review for each issue[]
o Issues involved[]
o Conclusion: (page limit of one (1) page), including statement of ruling sought[]

[] Certificate of Service: [Fla. R. App. P. 9.420][]

[] Certificate of Compliance: with font requirements (immediately following certificate of service) [Fla. R. App. P. 9.210][]


Follow Fla. R. App. P. 9.800. If the citation form needed is not included, use The Bluebook


[] Stapled in upper left corner or[]

[] Bound in book form along left side and in a manner that allows to lie flat when opened[]


Appendix required for appeals of non-final orders after final order on authorized motion [Fla. R. App. P. 9.130 (e)].[]
Appendix satisfies requirements of Fla. R. App. P. 9.220[]


[] I have reviewed the rules and administrative orders specific to the court in which the brief is to be filed and have verified that I have complied with all rules and requirements promulgated by the court (i.e. docketing statements, pleading requirements, copies, etc).[]


[] I have reviewed the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure and have verified that no exception to the general rules set forth in this checklist applies and that I have complied with all rules applicable to the specific facts and circumstances of my appeal.[]


[] DCA: Original + three (3) copies[]

[] Supreme Court: Original + seven (7) copies + copy of brief on DOS formatted 3-1/2 inch diskette in WordPerfect 5.1 (or higher) format compatible in WordPerfect 10 [See Administrative Order In re: Mandatory Submission of Electronic Copies of Documents on Computer Diskette, dated November 13, 2002][]

[] A copy to each party[]
