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Title Page[]
Title: Flexibility in wiki publishing: author desires, peer review and citation
Short title: Flexibility in wiki publishing
First Author: John Schmidt[1]
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Notes: This article includes hypertext links to webpage versions of July 1-11, 2005.
Abstract. This article is concerned with anticipating the practical issues that will arise within the new field of wiki academic publishing. This article is intended to serve as a test case for technical problems that will arise during the wiki publishing process. The major issue addressed in this article is the desirability of flexibility in wiki publishing. Historically, authors have been forced to conform to restrictions imposed by printed media and these constraints on publishing have typically been extended to conventional electronic journals. Wiki publishing offers new opportunities for shaping the publishing process to meet the needs of authors and facilitate intellectual activity in ways that have not been possible for traditional academic publishing. The value of flexibility in publishing systems will be discussed in the context of different types of publications that arise within academic sub disciplines; primary research articles, topical reviews and peer reviews. A secondary topic of this article is flexibility to accommodate the needs of reviewers who are conducting peer review. New kinds of incentives will be needed in wiki publishing to encourage peer review. It is suggested that when traditional incentives are abandoned, the peer review process can be aligned with the goal of making peer review an activity that is engaged in only for the purpose of providing fair and open evaluations of published work. Traditionally, peer review happens before publication. Peer review can have two phases during the wiki publishing process, an initial phase equivalent to traditional pre-publishing peer review and a second phase that continues indefinitely, after formal publication. Finally, this article concludes with discussion of the need for a user-friendly and universal system for creating and tracking citations to articles published in wiki format.
Additional pages[]
Flexibility in wiki publishing:Article Content