Academic Publishing Wiki

Computational Example[]

Bounded Class Data[]

IMG0881 101827437

Bounded Class Dimensions[]

G = 28 - 28 elements - i = 0...G-1[1]

C = 10 - 10 characteristics or attributes - j = 0...C-1

V = 5 - 5 valued logic - l = 0...V-1

Order of Elements[]

MG0885 158300375

MG0901 158300453

Count multisets[]

IMG0685 102064562

IMG0635 102064609

Squared multiset Counts[]

IMG0684 102064640

IMG0634 102064687

Squared Multiset Counts Summation[]

IMG0683 102064750

IMG0636 102064796

Separatory Values[]

IMG0682 102064843

IMG0183 102064890

max(T) = 309 = S8 = highest initial separatory value


  1. Note that Mathcad was used in producing this computational example and that the Mathcad ORIGIN function applies to all arrays such that if one array requires a zero origin in a formula using both arrays that the other arrays are required to use a zero origin.