Academic Publishing Wiki

Return to Journal of South Asian Health

Resources cross-linked with Areas of Interest and Expertise

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1. Copy the following template --- START TEMPLATE copy from line below

[[SAHRI|Return to Journal of South Asian Health]]: [[Resource_Database| Resource Database]] Name: [| Your Name]

Organization: Affiliations/Employer/Organization that you work for/with/own.

Qualifications: Things such as: Computer Skills, Organizational Skills , management skills, designing studies etc. what can you teach others?

Research Interest: What topic (specific disease, organ system, epidemiology etc.) and what specific subcategory (such as prevalence, therapeutics, diagnostics etc.) If you are not sure, just browse around and see what's available.

Learning interest: What do you want to learn?


2. Click "edit" on this page - this will bring you to the source code for this page

3. GO TO THE END OF THE PAGE - and then add the next number and your name inside two brackets (like others previous to you). ###. [[SAHRI: your name]] - This will create a new page for you. Please don't erase the link to the template page.

5. Click on SAVE PAGE - this should bring you back to this page with your name in "RED"

6. Click on your name - this will create a new page which you can edit. PASTE the template you had copied on your page. Edit the page as you wish.

Resouce List

1. SAHRI:Biren Saraiya

2. SAHRI:Harshit Rao

3. SAHRI:Kennedy Ganti

4. SAHRI:Nayan Kothari

5. SAHRI:Harshit Khara

6. SAHRI:Susan Shah, JD, MPH
