Academic Publishing Wiki


First things first[]

1. Identify yourself. Please 'login.-- see top right hand corner" Create your username and password. Why? Two reasons:

- Others can identify and attribute the work/comments you have made.

- You can have personal preferences such as "watchlist" which allows you to track any changes that may have been made to the articles of your interest.

Once you create a login, you will have an opportunity to track your contributions as well. (Wiki allows for tracking of ALL changes AT ALL TIMES. If there are changes made by someone not identify, the first author (who is ultimately responsible for the final work) will have the authority to delete them at their discretion.

2. Once you have logged in, update your information on our Resource Database which will allow others to know what your interest are and contact you if they want to collaborate on a project.

SAHRI WIKI Principles[]

This is known in wiki community, but let us re-empahasize. Because this is an open community, personal responsibility is of utmost importance. Please cite all your work. When reviewing articles, if you make a statement, tell us why (in discussion page - see the tab on top of the page), so others can understand your logic.

For example, you review an article, and think that there were biases - state what they are. Don't just say "this was a crappy work." It is important to remember, every work will have inherent biases (and limitations). Any good investigator tries to keep the biases to the minimum, we must all acknowledge the difficulties in research.

If you find something is in error, please correct it or start a discussion on the topic (see the tab at the top of the page).

SAHRI Principles[]

1. Personal Responsibility and participation - No one will hound you to ensure that you do your part (unless you ask the project leader to do so). We hope that you are participating because you believe in our goals and want to contribute.

2. Collaboration - Be Courteous, Professional and Open to suggestions

3. Be involved - If you don't like the way something is being done, or if you think we can do something more efficiently, PLEASE TELL US.

How to Start a Review Article[]

First check to see if someone already hasn't started an article on the topic on Journal of South Asian Health. If they have, contact them.

If not one has started a topic and you want to start, go to Disease List or one of the other categories where you think it should belong, create a link for your article. Then click on the link and now you are ready to start publishing.

If you are new to any and all of this... and just wondering how do you review literature? We will shortly have a good tutorial on this.

In the meantime - brief instructions are as follows:

Since the first step is to review the literature, PUBMED would be a great start. You can pick a topic (i.e., prostate cancer) and a subtopic (epidemiology). Search the PUBMED for relevant articles and summarize them. If you are going to work as a team with others, may we suggest a work flow?

1. obtain all the relevant references and save them on separate wiki page (call it: "Prostate Cancer Epidemiology To Review" page).

2. Review each reference at your leisure and edit the specific subcategory's existing information. Remove the reference from the TO Review page (i.e., suppose you reviewed an article that reported that the incidence of prostate cancer in 40,0000 asymptomatic men age 60 and over in Rural Gujarat was 5%; you would put that in Prostate Cancer Epidemiology page with appropriate citations and remove it from the "to Review" list).

3. As more data has been incorporated, the knowledge base will increase.