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Section heading[]

Research. The famous scientists like Radcliff Brown, Levi Strauss have

attempted to clarify the actual meaning of social structure in the

anthropological point view. My interest to investigate the social

structure in the context of mathematical analysis. � edit Section heading

Here I have taken two approaches like Vector and Point.

A) social vector

B) social point.

A) Social vector

Elementary concept of social vector is indicating the new dimension of

social research in social anthropology. In modern era anthropology has

to change its way of expedition. The classical anthropological

theories is attempted to identify the human position in the society.

How they live, how the way of life style belongs to them. My present

proposal is to examine” is the vector present in modern society. First

attempts to know, what is social vector? The answer is ‘’ social

vector is an abstract phenomena which lies on the hypothetical plane

of a society it follows magnate rules of scalar and vector and also it

has cognitive domain.” In the other words “ when the vector is

identified through parental graph or P-graph of a genealogy it

indicate the initial and terminal point of a individual the context of

culture, this linear vector of a person is would like to be termed as

social point.

B) Social point.

Through the role analysis it can be illustrated that every person in

the society geometrically simplified as a point. From the Sociometric

point of view every individual’s status and role are followed by a

vector. The initial point and terminal point of an individual show

one’s Role. If every arch is centered in a circle, it would look like

an earth. That is evaluated in cognition of world view. In this

theory, central dogma of the circle would represent the point.

In this connection the interaction among the status hold the actual

form of social structure. The individual in the World (society) is a

point and from it any social phenomenon is originated. � This is the new concept in anthropological

Research. The famous scientists like Radcliff Brown, Levi Strauss have

attempted to clarify the actual meaning of social structure in the

anthropological point view. My interest to investigate the social

structure in the context of mathematical analysis. �





Section heading[]

Here I have taken two approaches like Vector and Point.

A) social vector

B) social point.

A) Social vector

Elementary concept of social vector is indicating the new dimension of

social research in social anthropology. In modern era anthropology has

to change its way of expedition. The classical anthropological

theories is attempted to identify the human position in the society.

How they live, how the way of life style belongs to them. My present

proposal is to examine” is the vector present in modern society. First

attempts to know, what is social vector? The answer is ‘’ social

vector is an abstract phenomena which lies on the hypothetical plane

of a society it follows magnate rules of scalar and vector and also it

has cognitive domain.” In the other words “ when the vector is

identified through parental graph or P-graph of a genealogy it

indicate the initial and terminal point of a individual the context of

culture, this linear vector of a person is would like to be termed as

social point.

B) Social point.

Through the role analysis it can be illustrated that every person in

the society geometrically simplified as a point. From the Sociometric

point of view every individual’s status and role are followed by a

vector. The initial point and terminal point of an individual show

one’s Role. If every arch is centered in a circle, it would look like

an earth. That is evaluated in cognition of world view. In this

theory, central dogma of the circle would represent the point.

In this connection the interaction among the status hold the actual

form of social structure. The individual in the World (society) is a

point and from it any social phenomenon is originated. �