The explanation of gravity By Ismail A. Kaddah
This article will include the explanation of gravity based on an equation, proving that the force pushing bodies back to Earth is only pure centrifugal push force acquired from the multiple orbits which Earth experiences. I have included a figure giving a clear view of these multiple orbits. In addition I wrote all the assumptions supporting my theory and showed them in examples.
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Gravity is an overwhelming yet a force of unknown origin described as 'The natural force of attraction exerted by a celestial body, such as Earth, upon objects at or near its surface, tending to draw them toward the center of the body'(1). This article will demonstrate that Earth itself is in the middle of multiple centrifuges and so the acceleration due to gravity is including Earth's surface from all sides, yet we don't recognize this for it is on an impossibly huge range (range of the universe).
Gravity is the summation of many centrifugal push forces on all sides of Earth multi-axially, i.e the three axes x, y and z. The elements on Earth enclosing the core are like the layers of ppt. formed in a colloidal solution in a tube experiencing centrifugation. Example: when we centrifuge any solution in the lab, we put it in a well sealed tube, this solution contains the matter in its three forms which are water (liquid), air (gas) and the small suspended particles (solid). All of these forms are mixed and the centrifuge separates them according to their densities. So, when we stop the process of centrifugation these forms are rearranged according to the density, such that the lightest is topmost in the tube (air), heavier is in between air and solid ppt. (water), and the heaviest lies at the bottom of the tube (solid ppt.). This arrangement is formed whilst the tube containing the solution orbits the center of the centrifuge, such that the gas is closest to the center of orbit and the solid particles with most density are farthest. This is very similar to the arrangement of the elements on our planet, where the atmospheric envelope is topmost, oceans and seas under it & the solid particles of earth itself is under those. As a result we say that Earth is at the bottom of a tube under centrifugation in a centrifuge whose center is the Sun itself.
But say this centrifugal push is acting on only one side of Earth facing the sun…what about the other side that doesn't have a sun facing it? How is there gravity? The only reasonable explanation is that Earth is under the influence of other orbits in the universe and the resultant centrifugal push forces affect earth's surfaces from all sides we don't recognize clearly. Earth orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy where the center is said to be a super massive black hole (SMBH) (2), our galaxy with the "SMBH" in its heart orbits a set of localized galaxies along with our galaxy's twin called "Andromeda" (all as a part of a supercluster) (3). Theoretically these 'localized' galaxies are in motion orbiting the center of the universe itself where all elements originated, but it seems difficult for us to acknowledge that (See image no.1).
All of these orbits intertwine to give equalized centrifugal push forces all over our planet. Based on the equation of the centripetal force, the square of the velocity and the radius of the orbit increase from the orbit of Earth, to the orbit of the Sun, to the orbit of the SMBH, to what we may add the orbit of our galaxy as a part of a super cluster around the center of the universe, but in the mean time the ratio between square of the velocity and the radius is equal in each, to give the uniform acceleration on all sides of the Earth directed towards the center .
In addition, it is rightful to assume that the force that causes Earth to orbit the Sun is not gravity, in fact it is the same force that keeps the simple electron in constant orbit about the nucleus which is the centripetal force (an accumulation of positive-positive repulsion force & negative-positive attraction force and vice versa) (4). So, we say that earth is negatively charged orbiting the sun which is positively charged, but what is the proof that Earth is negatively charged…simple: when we buy a new "electrical appliance" and someone touches its metallic parts, therefore we use the "earthing" facility to free this excess charge into Earth, as it has an infinite ability to absorb electricity. This suggests that Earth has the negative charge as its major charge while the positive charge is minor, therefore we must take into consideration that the relation between any two bodies with one of them orbiting the other is a positive-negative relation. But why is the relation between for example the milky-way and the set of localized galaxies "Andromeda" a positive-negative relation if both are galaxies? In every orbiting example, the orbiting body is much smaller in size than the body being orbited as a fact. The whole universe before the "big bang" was one big element similar to the crystal lattice composed of positive ions(which are stars that give energy) and negative ions (which are the black bodies that absorb energy coming from stars) and so after the big bang, the whole universe as known by astrologists began constantly expanding. Afterwards the negatively charged bodies began orbiting the bigger positively charged bodies, and the positively charged bodies began orbiting bigger negatively charged ones. Let us assume one more thing, that every celestial body has some positive and negative charges in it and the only difference is that these charges differ in range such that in Earth the negative charge range is greater than its positive, so Earth tends to orbit the Sun to solve this imbalance that affects only Earth, while the Sun having the same issue tends to orbit the "SMBH" (which has its majority of negative charge) to solve its own imbalance, and so on.
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There is an important note we should bear in mind, as the Earth's core orbits the sun continuously it is not affected by any of these centrifugal push forces that act upon Earth's surfaces i.e just as the electrons as an example, they orbit the nucleus at a high speed in a fixed path although the surface of it that faces the nucleus is pushed away from the center of orbit due to centrifugal force. Any extra-terrestrial body entering the Earth's atmosphere is subject to a frictional force, so when this body gains the Earth's speed it falls down to the ground affected by the centrifugation (as it is heavier than air so it falls down. Centrifugation acting on Earth's surfaces is proven here (see equation no.1) where the relation between the two equations concerning atmospheric and centrifugal force have the same resultant force which is found acting on a certain point on earth's surface. The reason why satellites orbit our planet and eventually fall down is included: the satellite orbits the Earth just as the electron orbits the nucleus as we know (centripetal force) but why does it fall down eventually? It's not the Earth's pull, the satellite tends to lose kinetic energy as it still doesn't orbit far off the atmosphere, as some of the gaseous particles remain within the range of the satellite's orbit, thus decreasing its kinetic energy gradually as they resist the satellite's circular motion until it gains the direction of the gaseous particles that are affected by centrifugation thus the satellite falls down due to its high density when the kinetic energy reaches zero. There is a reasonable explanation to why light bends towards the SMBH as it passes by it at the center of our galaxy, the speed of orbit of the SMBH as part of a super cluster about an unknown center of orbit is so high that it is almost near (if not equal to) the speed of light, so this orbiting speed is assumed to be so high that light itself is centrifuged towards the SMBH.
- (Equation no.1):- - The relation between the atmospheric pressure and the centrifugal push force given by equation proves that the surface of Earth is affected by only centrifugal push forces:''
1) The centripetal force equation:
The magnitude of the centripetal force on an object of mass m moving at a speed v along a path with radius of curvature r is:
Let F = x (where m = the mass of the air column, v = the velocity of Earth's orbit, r = the radius of curvature or the height of the atmospheric air column at sea level). F = Kg.m2/sec2 .m (we cancel the meters with each other)
F = Kg .m/sec2
F = m .a = x. (where a = acceleration due to centrifugation & m = mass of the atmospheric air column).
2) The atmospheric pressure equation (6):
Pressure = r .a .h = x (where r = density (Kg/m3) = mass/volume, v = volume (m3), a = acceleration due to centrifugation (m/sec2) & x = the result). (P = F/m2)
P = (Kg/m3)*(m/sec2)*m
P = (Kg .m .m)/m3 .sec2 (we cancel the meters with each other)
N/m2 = Kg/m.sec2 (we put the area "m2" on the other side and we cancel the remaining "m" in the denominator, N is the unit of force)
N=Kg.m2 /m.sec2 = Kg .m/sec2 = m .a = x (the same resultant of the previous equation)
Therefore it is proven that the pressure is the same resultant as the centrifugal force acting on a certain point on Earth's surface, and that the force pushing all materials back to Earth is centrifugation.
Important note:-
(We should bear in mind that there isn't only centrifugal force acting on the elements on the sides of earth's core, but also there is the low vacuum in space that cancels part of the centrifugal push force value in a range that is suitable for our bodies to survive (4)).
We conclude from this that any element or being on Earth is pushed and not pulled to the surface of the planet, due to the centrifugal force (the same as that is found in a small centrifugation tube being centrifuged in a centrifuge). In addition, we assume that any orbit in the universe is explained because of positive and negative attraction-repulsion forces. Therefore, based on this explanation of gravity we are able to predict other orbits beyond the point of avoidance and even other huge centers of orbit (other than our "super massive black hole") of which super clusters orbit. Also, this would bring a relation between multiple forces in the universe into consideration eliminating any unknown or inexplicable force blocking our scientific progress.
1.; the definition of gravity.
2. ^ a b Henderson, Mark (December 9, 2008). "Astronomers confirm black hole at the heart of the Milky Way". Times Online. Retrieved 2009-05-17.
3. reference that our galaxy orbits as a part of a Super cluster.
4. the reference to the high vacuum in space that we do not feel due to high centrifugal force acting on our bodies in the atmosphere that cancels such low pressure in space.